爱美剧网2023剧情片恶行2023剧情介绍;For a group of friends in the Nor#佳片重温 时隔多年后再拿来重温,简直像一部新电影一样,7位英国老人阴差阳错的聚集在印度斋蒲尔,随着生活天翻地覆的改变,各自开始soul-searching,各自发现人生新意义,太好看了theast, a weekend getaway at a snowy resort sounds like just what the doctor ordered. An opportunity to reconnect, relax, and recuperate among serene, snow-capped mountains and trees. But peace doesn’t last long as the ghosts of guests past and relationships long buried come to light. Soon enough, their trip transforms into a psychological tailspin and bloody nightmare, as both long-deceased guests and the space itself come to life, and the group turn on each other in a race to stay alive
剧中经典神评;虽然演技不成熟、虽然是小制作。但真的让人着迷,很真实,欢笑中带着泪水。我们的大学生活早就消失了… 【我好想抱抱李鸿其,代入感非常强,丁宁最后在车窗后的那一笑,真美】 但这个故事没什么值得宣扬的,因为毕竟主人是意外死亡了,没有主动抛弃狗,而且也有人接手领养,所以看着觉得挺没意思