爱美剧网2022美剧美国国家公园之旅剧情介绍;A celebration of the natural wonder and power of nature in our backyard. From iconic places to secret gems, this series will open the gateways for all to explore the breadth of the beauty and tranquility The audience will experience North America’s natural wonders with its iconic wildlife as you have never seen them before. Strong storytelling let the audience discover the fascinating interactions in wild habitats they thought they were familiar with. The series is produ181223/3.5星电影节奏很好,前半段很有意思ced by Wildstar Films for National Geographic. Executive producing alongside Brooks are Anwar Mamon and Dan Rees for Wildstar, and Drew Jones for National Geographic. Myles Connolly and Ben Wallis serve as series producers. Episodes include… Grand Canyon Yosemite Big Bend Badlands Hawai'i Volcanoes
剧中经典神评;题材是好题材,烧烈女坊那一段也很震撼,最后有情人没能成眷属的处理也很动人。但是前半段的搞笑和后半段的沉重之间给人太大的割裂感,让人上一秒还在哈哈哈下一秒忽然就开虐了。而且感情戏也有点突兀,女主是为啥就喜欢上这个莫名其妙的男人了呢?那个古灵精怪的小侍女的设置有啥意义呢,她到底站哪对cp?那个乞丐大叔的设置又有啥意义,他是男主的生父么,他的存在除了当僚机还有啥用?明明不复杂的剧情,但是又好像有很多话没说清楚。说实话,我倒宁愿没有女主这个角色(我还是很喜欢郑素敏小姐姐的!),男主就做一代风流男妓拯救万千独守空闺的女人,那多潇洒多不羁! 说实话吧,看完这个电影之后,我十分云里雾里 前面我以为很俗,中间我很喜欢那有点儿说唱风格歌舞,后面我大跌眼镜(我没眼镜),真是个慢热的电影