爱美剧网2018剧情片人生北行剧情介绍;Up North explores love, friendship, and family politics, all of which collide, when a young rebellious heir from a wealthy family i表面看着特别危险其实内里温柔单纯的大男孩啊s sent away to National Service in Northern Nigeria. Things don't quite go according to plan as the spoiled heir begins to find himself, creating memories to last a lifetime
剧中经典神评;“根据真实事件改编”的分量很重 非常俗的套路,黑帮小头目为了妻儿暗投警方,再为妻儿报仇血洗黑帮抓了老大牺牲了自己,警方为了吊更大的鱼,准备和这个老大合作,呵呵 青春和成长话题实际上没有什么新鲜的东西,但90年代的怀旧风倒是很容易令人怀念那些沉迷听音乐的日子。虽然确实不会一开始就能明白毒舌乐评人之类并不是那么酷。