爱美剧网2013剧情片美狄亚斯剧情介绍;Medeas is a daring and lyrical exploration of alienation and desperation through the intimate observation of a family's inner lives and their relationship to each other and their environment. Without moral judgment, it probes the boundaries of human behavior and the lengths to which people can be driven for love and self-pr年轻时男女总爱为爱情死去活来,其实这也是一种不成熟的表现吧,最后女主明白自己真正所需要的,洒脱离开男主,也算是“蜜桃成熟时”eservation
剧中经典神评;好像是第一次看印尼鬼片,还行!东南亚密林中的破败村庄,家族不为人知的秘密,惨剧留下的诅咒,总之是浓浓的印尼民俗邪恶感 有好的镜头调度,但多场景红绿光加大特写,营造超现实感颓废扭曲感,吃不消 而且这种类似VR的拍法看得人有点头晕