爱美剧网2014综艺哥特艺术剧情介绍;In a three-part series, Andrew Graham-Dixon looks back at 19th century Britain and its obsession with all things Gothic. The series explores how an inspired group of architects and artists spurned the modern age, turning to Britain’s medieval past to create some of Britain’s most iconic works and buildings Inspired by the tumultuous Industrial Revolution, John Ruskin was among those who created architectural wonders, using the cutting edge of technology to create a brand-new British style of architecture. While in art and literature, the Gothic allowed Hor本片的男主角真的是演技爆棚,将一个男人从二十多岁一直演到六十多岁,不管是气质还是表情还真的都是那么一回事,这一段人生历程的展现即使现在也有很多人在不断重复这一过程,虽然前半部分有着不少的笑点,但是后半部分的情节其实还是比较催泪的,男主角即使最终跟第三任妻子离了婚,但绝对是一段真爱ace Walpole, Bram Stoker and Dickens to capture the terror, weirdness and social ills that plagued Victorian Britain.
剧中经典神评;普遍完成度不高,百无禁忌的玩票风格 一直觉得这和倩女幽魂很像,不过那个是片儿美,这个是人美 阴冷的色调,把有关那一年的现实血淋淋地呈现在银幕上