爱美剧网2017纪录片灰色国度剧情介绍;In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran, aspiring filmmaker and charismatic up-and-coming voice in fringe politics, began production on his film 'Gray State.' Set 我一直在试图寻找为什么国产恐怖片都是白痴+无聊的翻版,起初我归结到编剧,后来又归结到导演,最终,我认为还是我们的审查体制的原因吧in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film's crowd funded trailer was enthusiastically received by the burgeoning online community of libertarians, Tea Party activists as well as members of the nascent alt-right. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorists who speculate that Crowley was assassinated by a shadowy government concerned about a film and filmmaker that was getting too close to the truth about their aims
剧中经典神评;几年前第一时间看过一次 边看小说边重新回顾了这个sp 把女主的人物设定改了 可能是为了拍摄更方便 但是少了很多头发梗和老年人冒充年轻人的梗 弘美这个人物在小说里还能露个名字 电视化以后也无法露出 没看过小说的人 估计会不是看完没印象 就是压根搞不懂 和小说比 基本走向是一样的 但是鉴于弘美这个描写俊美的角色好丑 感觉更狗血了 特别丑陋畸形的爱