爱美剧网2011美剧波吉亚家族(法国版) 第一季剧情介绍;It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unspeakable depravity. At the heart of the world order was the Vatican, the arbiter of conflicts between kingdoms and empires. And at the center of the Vatican was a man whose quest for power would propel him to seek the ultimate prize, the holy see o印象最深刻的是数学老师将一大块吃了一小块巧克力,还原成一整块,不相信自己的眼睛,回看了好几遍,论数学的amazing之处哈哈f Rome. He was a man whose name would become synonymous with ruthlessness, and whose reign as pope would be remembered as the most infamous chapter of the history of the Catholic church -Rodrigo Borgia. His four children -Juan, the oldest, a prideful, lazy, unscrupulous sexual predator, Cesare, a young man torn between a faith that was not his calling and his dark violent nature, Lucretia, a young girl discovering the secret power that a women's sexuality holds..
剧中经典神评;局长的椅子上有颗钉子,增长六倍吸毒者刺痛正义的神经 泰迪罗宾的台词太可爱,拿他身高开玩笑也不介意。张曼玉那个回眸一笑杀死人,查理的客串也太短了吧!还有那句“咪郁,举起手来!”“阿sir,咪郁点举手啊。” 但实在算不上探案,就是平铺直诉